Health & Nutrition

Boost your immunity!

Many of us have been wondering what we could do to improve our health and immunity. What some people still are not aware of is that good food habits play a huge role in improving your immunity and general health. In this event, we are going to talk about:

  • Can I get enough vitamins and nutrients from local food?
  • Can I eat gluten? Is dairy good for us?
  • How to crack label reading
  • Food choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

Lecteur: Veronika Pourová 

Date: March 15,  5:30 pm

Veronika is a registered dietitian and food technologist and a co-founder of Ne hladu, a dietitian office in Prague and Brno.

Her goal is to educate the public about healthy lifestyles and to explain that eating healthy can be very simple and accessible for everyone. In their Instagram and Facebook (@Nehladu), Veronika and her two colleagues are explaining myths & truths about healthy lifestyle with simple graphics.


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