To the Saddles
Guided rides through the history, culture and nature of Ostrava.
The To the Saddles project was launched last year and we tried to respond to pandemic restrictions related to travelling during the holidays and offer Ostravans a new, engaging format of leisure outdoor activities. The rides were a great success.
For this year, we have prepared ten thematic guided rides, which will be supplemented by a rich accompanying program (concerts, dance performances, exhibitions, entrances to cultural monuments) and workshops (focused on the development of creative activities). The accompanying program will enhance the experience and knowledge gained on the route.
Individual rides can be booked by participants on the website of our association. In case of greater interest, the accompaniment will be strengthened. The rides are moderated by a guide, equipped with a mobile microphone for good audibility. For each ride, a brochure will be prepared with valuable information about the route (map, description of individual stops, history, photographs), which the participant of the ride will receive free of charge.
In case of restrictions related to the pandemic, interactive maps with individual stops will be published, supplemented by historical photographs and an audio recording with commentary.
We organize guided rides for participants free of charge, in an effort to expand the offer of active forms of tourism in Ostrava, to support the interest in a healthy lifestyle, bicycle transport and, last but not least, the public’s interest in history, culture, technical monuments and crafts.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Ostrava Museum, Nextbike Ostrava, the Dolní Vítkovice area, Landek Park, the University of Ostrava – Faculty of Education and other organizations.
Since Prehistory on Landek
25th July 2021
Ostrava centre – Landek
History of Ostrava heaps, architecture and technical curiosities of shafts, riparian forest and natural attractions, prehistoric settlements, mammoth hunters, Slavic fortified settlement, medieval guard castle.
Masaryk Square, Ostrava Museum
Komenského sady (Park) – in front of Muglinov bridge
Gravel deposits of the Ostravice river and their importance
Cumulus heap of the Hubert Mine (Stachanov)
Hrušov chemical plant and ceramics factory
Ferdinand’s Northern Railway
Confluence of Ostravice and Odra
Outcrops of coal seams to the surface
Small heap by the cycle path
Odra flow arm
The rest of degraded riparian forest
Anselm Mine
Landek Park
Accompanying program:
Landek Museum – new circuit Heroes from the Mine – symbolic entrance fee for participants of the ride CZK 50
If the participants are interested in other sightseeing tours in Dolní Vítkovice and Landek Park, the entrance fee for all participants of the ride will be reduced by 20%.